Pregnancy Ticker

Thursday, August 26, 2010

i have no excuse to have not updated this in so long since i am on bedrest and doing nothing. only problem is is that my days are flying by and i am not getting anything done! i took somepictures of my feet before i was diagnosed with mild preeclampsia so you can kinda see what this little guy is putting me through!

i went to the specialist today and as i was sitting there by myself i listened as the doctor and nurse were trying to decide if i should be admitted. one wanted me to the other didnt. all i know is that i am ready to stop having headachs, pain an my side and i would love to be able to focus again. my vision has gotten really bad the last few days and i would love to be able to see again. what are we waiting for again? oh yeah 37 weeks but do theyrealize that is just 3 days away? does 3 days really make that big of a difference?

here are a few pictures josh and i took we were trying to get some thankyou cards together and thought we could take a few shots of just us! so i am 35 in these pictures.