Pregnancy Ticker

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here are some pictures:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

i have no excuse to have not updated this in so long since i am on bedrest and doing nothing. only problem is is that my days are flying by and i am not getting anything done! i took somepictures of my feet before i was diagnosed with mild preeclampsia so you can kinda see what this little guy is putting me through!

i went to the specialist today and as i was sitting there by myself i listened as the doctor and nurse were trying to decide if i should be admitted. one wanted me to the other didnt. all i know is that i am ready to stop having headachs, pain an my side and i would love to be able to focus again. my vision has gotten really bad the last few days and i would love to be able to see again. what are we waiting for again? oh yeah 37 weeks but do theyrealize that is just 3 days away? does 3 days really make that big of a difference?

here are a few pictures josh and i took we were trying to get some thankyou cards together and thought we could take a few shots of just us! so i am 35 in these pictures.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

well i have made it to the 30 week mark which means i am 7 months pregnant! i cant believe how fast the whole thing is going. i didn't realize i was actually getting bigger until i was looking at past pictures of when i thought i was huge and i was actually really small!

we recieved a wonderful gift of a crib, and changing table and we picked it up from the store today! that was an adventure just getting it home as you can tell. we had the mattress inside the car, the changing table in the trunk and the crib on the roof!

the problem is we were so excited about having it that we actually set it up today and reorganized some of the room and have set up everything we have already! we now have 2 months to sit patiently before he comes but it was so much fun to put it all together. it turned out absolutely perfect!

Monday, June 7, 2010

i am now 26 weeks pregnant and having the hardest time convincing myself not to do the whole nesting thing! i dont want to wait but i know if i get it all done right now i will have nothing to do for the last few weeks of pregnancy when i am not working. i got a whole bedding set for the little baby and absolutly love it but i wanted some bright colors with it so to calm my nesting desires i made a baby blanket that was so much fun to make and it ties everything together.
baby is doing well and is starting to move more and more! i was sitting in church and i watched my stomach move a few times which was so weird but so cool to see something move inside of me!

here are some pictures of the quilt. we are excited for the next few weeks when we will be able to set up everything and have it all put together!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Boy or Girl?

Hi Everyone,

Well the time has come and gone to find out the gender of our little miracle. We have been counting down the days to find out and it has been the most exciting part of pregnancy so far. We found out that we are having a BOY!!! During the Ultrasound he would not stop moving around. It took the tech a few times to get the heart beat but, when it came time to find out the gender he was not shy to say the least. I think he showed it off so willingly because Cathi this whole time has been calling him and girl. She has been saying things like, "Oh wow she is going crazy today." or "She is not happy right now." Every time she says something like that I would always respond "or he." I think HE was tired of being called a HER. It was the best and most exciting news that we have received so far in our lives together.

The coolest thing about the Ultrasound was to see him move around. It became a more real thing to me as the father when I saw him move. I know that Cathi this whole time has been feeling the back pain, pressure, tiredness, etc but I have not. It is now more real to me to see the pictures of his face, arms, legs, and feet. It was very humbling to know that he is really there and that he is coming to Cathi and I to be taught, loved and cared for for the rest of his life. I know that he is already helping me become a better man and I can only hope and pray that I can teach and show him how to become a true man.

When the tech told us that he is is a boy my stomach sank and my heart leap for joy. I asked, "Are you sure?" She said, "Oh yeah no doubt about it." I then thought of everything that is involved with a boys life. I thought of priesthood, girls, mission, sealing, and I also thought of all the temptations and responsibilities that come from being a boy. Honestly, I am excited and nervous. I know that I can be a good a father and I already know that Cathi is going to be a great mother. I have been eternally blessed to have her by my side and my children are even more blessed to have her as mother. She is teaching me the 'cries.' I guess there are different cries. There is the hungry cry, tired cry, mad cry, sick cry, awake cry, I-am-moving-now-so-pay-attention cry, I-want-mommy cry, I-want-daddy cry (I hope), and so on. When we hear a baby cry Cathi knows exactly which one it is and I just know that the baby is crying.

I am excited and can't wait to hold him. I guess the first step is to feel him kick. I will write about that next and until then we love you all.

Friday, April 16, 2010

a few days ago i was leaning up to the shampoo bowl at work and i felt some pain in my lower abdomen. i moved away and the pain stopped. the next day i had little pinches in my side, one right after another and i realized it wasnt the baby just sitting there not liking my positions but that the baby was using my side as a punching bag! it is so exciting to know that our baby is growing and getting strong enough to hurt me. i dont mind the kicking during the day but when we go to sleep, that is the babies clue to wake up and that is just not ok!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yes it is true! and baby makes three! We are so excited to become parents!

just an update on the little one, we are 16 weeks along and the baby is growing quickly! Josh and i went to the doctor last week and heard the heart beat. everything the doctor had to say was positive and upbeat which was a great change from our last few doctors!

we have a healthy little baby and we are so excited to bring a child into the world to bless both of us and all of our family members.

just so you know our next appointment is on april 30th and that appointment will tell us if we are having a boy or a girl.